I thought this was a particularly good example of the low budget , feel good , depression type second feature. Need to take a lot of things for granted but before television and radio already had the imaginations working much better than we do now. If the movie had been restored and not as noisy or blocky (with all my digital helpers engaged) it would have been better. What could be better than the Happy Home concept? In a time where half the work force had been out of work and dispossession was a matter of course in many areas. There was drama, comedy, mystery, money falling out of the sky and into the laps of the needy, now, how much else can be packed into a short trip to the movie house? Unsuspecting guy having a load of goodies fall into his grasp. Meet a good looking woman looking for a change too. Never know what to expect in this one . Just as i had given it up as predictable old saws , they threw a curve and made it a bit more complex and interesting.