Les enfilées (1980), directed by Jean-Claude Roy, is a French adult film that explores the erotic adventures of a voyeuristic couple. The film offers a glimpse into the world of swingers and their unique brand of excitement.
The story centers on a couple who discover the thrill of watching themselves during sexual intercourse. This soon evolves as they invite various third parties into their apartment and bed, including a gloved connoisseur who never sleeps with the same woman twice, an inexperienced young man, and a dominant lesbian. The couple's journey pushes the boundaries of traditional sexual norms and explores themes of exhibitionism, voyeurism, and sexual experimentation.
The film stars Alban Ceray and Morgane as the adventurous couple, Victor and Ariane. They are joined by a talented cast, including Brigitte Lahaie as the dominant lesbian, who leaves a lasting impression with her performance.
One of the most memorable scenes involves Lahaie, who exudes raw sexuality and a natural charm that shines through. The chemistry between the two women is electric, and their passion is palpable, making for a truly captivating and arousing moment.
"Les enfilées" is elegantly staged, with a complex color dramaturgy that sets it apart from classic American porn of the time. The film embraces its French roots, favoring an artful approach over the more explicit American counterparts like Deep Throat. While the lack of subtitles may be a barrier for some, the film's focus on visual storytelling ensures that the eroticism and humor come through.
Overall, Les enfilées is a unique entry in the adult film genre. It blends eroticism and storytelling, offering a glimpse into the world of swingers and their unconventional yet intriguing lifestyles. With a talented cast and Roy's skilled direction, the film delivers on its promise of explicit content while also offering a visually appealing and somewhat artistic take on pornography.
Les enfilées will appeal to those seeking something different from the typical American porn fare, offering a blend of humor, eroticism, and a touch of French sophistication.