The way I came across this "movie" if you'd like to call it that, is I bought it for basically two dollars, and twenty five cents. Why so cheap? Because it came with three other movies, all basically the same, except the others aren't nearly as funny as this. First, I bought the dvd pack because it was so cheap, and it was four movies, and that means four more movies in the collection. I have to say, I don't regret buying this simply because all the movies are HILARIOUS!
This movie is trying to be serious, and I thought it would have at least been shot on something that didn't look like a videocassette format. I was wrong. This film was shot on video, most likely videocassette. It's simply horribly shot. The sound effects are terrible. When someone would get punched across the face, it would sound like a bone snapping. The editing isn't bad, considering how low budget it was. The acting was HILARIOUS. Each actor tries too sound serious, but the problem is that everything is forced out. In one scene (which made everyone laugh), a guy's close friend, or brother, forgot which, is killed. Then, he says don't do this to me (just like a bunch of other clichéd films), and then he sat down (which that alone looks forced), and screamed. I couldn't stop laughing, to the point to where my sides were hurting.
This movie, simply put it, is hilarious. It doesn't have the fundamentals that are naturally needed in order to make a film, it was shot on video, and every scene looks like the camera was hand-operated. Still, this movie is enjoyable if you fast forward to the funny parts. It looks like a something someone would film with a camcorder as a joke. This movie is hilarious. It has horrid acting, hilarious script, crappy camera work, and ridiculous sound effects. Still, it's hilarious.
Overall score: 2 out of 10.