Continuity isn't really important in a sitcom if the stories are funny. Married With Children proved that even while re-using the same plots over and over. In less than 54 episodes we learn that Denby never had children, then had a son in high school, then had a grandson that was about 8 or 9. Adding a new character with a NY accent, having her drop the accent and then disappear in less than 6 episodes because she added nothing to the story was just as bad. So was having his dad in an early episode then in a later one pretend Norm hadn't seen him in decades. Not to mention the entire premise of the show is flawed because Norm played hockey and didn't pay taxes in Canada and then got sentenced to community service in New York. I won't mention that being given a cushy job isn't much of a sentence. I never questioned why they mentioned hockey teams like the Anaheim Ducks and the Oilers but called New York's team the Zephyrs. Yet somehow this is still one of the funniest shows ever.