In Olde England, there is an aging Duke. His beloved wife is deceased and his closest relatives are snooty grifters. Therefore, his dearest friends are a grand-niece and a beloved dog. He is blessed with a most loyal butler, too (James Doohan). One day, when he and his niece are out riding horses, the Duke suffers what may be a heart attack and goes home to bed, never getting up again. As he lays dying, he makes a new will to leave most everything to his dog, with his niece as the caretaker. After the funeral, all interested parties show up for the reading of the last will and testament. The grifters, already gleeful at their anticipated inheritance and titles, give the staff pink ships and lock the dog in the attic, for he annoys them. But, ha ha! Duke breaks out of the upstairs and arrives just in time to hear of his own rise to aristocracy! Advantage, doggie! The niece is delighted as well, for she loves the dog, now named The Duke. She has a new admirer, too, a lad who comes to work in the kitchen. But, as one might guess, the dastardly disinheritors comb the laws of royalty to find loopholes. At first, they discover the new duke must have a ball and gain the queen's approval to get the title. Foiled again! The niece hires an etiquette expert, the Duke learns how to act in high society, and the queen boogies at the ball before bestowing the title. But, as this Canine Royal has long had an affection for another dog named Daisy, the grifters decide to entice Duke with a spiffy poodle, ending in "dog marriage", so that they can control the Duke's little fiefdom. Will they succeed at last? This darling bit of silliness is greatly enjoyable. Most families will love the story, cast, settings, costumes, and beloved canines. What a stitch to see dogs join a conga line and wear fancy dress. In fact, the dog playing Duke is one talented pooch. So, this Duke's no fluke, seek it out soon.