This is a sorry excuse for a movie, Larry Miller should be banned for writing and starring in crap like this. He actually won a U.S. Comedy Arts Festival Award for it, I'm suprised he did not win a Razzie award. Delroy Lindro is the only actor that done well in this movie, the rest are bunch of cheesy-assed comedians trying to make a funny flick. The rating 3.2 as of 12-24-2,003 should give you a ideal of how bad this is, it's probably one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Though Christine Ebersole turned me on in this movie from her seductive ways, although i'm 16 and she is like in her 60's. Still I would never recommend anyone to ever rent this, it's so bad it probably will never be on tv. Yet if you must waste an hour, then go ahead.