Adicionar um enredo no seu idiomaThis Hanna-Barbera animated series is set in fictional Elmsville of the early 1900s. The Day family consists of Grandpa Jeff, his widowed daughter Martha, and her three children: Ben, Kathy,... Ler tudoThis Hanna-Barbera animated series is set in fictional Elmsville of the early 1900s. The Day family consists of Grandpa Jeff, his widowed daughter Martha, and her three children: Ben, Kathy, and Danny. Stories consist of everyday events plus the changes in society.This Hanna-Barbera animated series is set in fictional Elmsville of the early 1900s. The Day family consists of Grandpa Jeff, his widowed daughter Martha, and her three children: Ben, Kathy, and Danny. Stories consist of everyday events plus the changes in society.