This TV-series was based on a very popular anime and manga series in Japan. I've been learning Japanese for two years now and I'm not very interested in anime because you'd think there'd be robots or something, but not at all. Eikichi Onizuka was a trouble maker in his school days, he was in a biker gang (Japanese bikers aren't at all like the stereotypical American bikers) and was always getting into fights. (The prequel to GTO featuring Onizuka in his youth is called "Bad Company") Onizuka got kicked out of school and ever since, he's realized how awesome school was. He just wished that he hadn't been kicked out and he's always wanted to become a teacher. One day he finally gets his chance at a private school because the head of the school is a very nice lady who believes in Onizuka. He's appointed to teach for the infamous class 2-4, a class so bad that's been going through teachers very quickly. Onizuka wins them over and shows he's more than just a teacher. He's a great teacher and a great person. This series is SO funny. I loved the anime and I love this show. It's out with subtitles and I suggest you look into finding some copies, if you ever watch any anime or any Japanese show, I suggest you watch this. If this was shown in America I'm sure it would be EXTREMELY popular. The last episode of Great Teacher Onizuka (the live action series, not the anime) was the most viewed show in Japan. Onizuka is one class act and no matter who you are or what you're into, you just can't not like this show.