This is another lost film that was recently unearthed and released by Vinegar Syndrome. It features some grimy, wrong side of the track vibes that feel noir adjacent as we watch a pair of intrepid reporters try to find the delicate balance of doing the right thing and potentially ending up dead as they try to unravel the mystery of the black widow killer. They sort of feel like an echo of the cops from Blood Feast as they don't seem terribly smart but mostly make up for it with determination and a consistent habit of restating plot points for the benefit of the audience. Additionally there are even some fun characters and quite a few amusing moments of cinematic blunder as shots are poorly framed and audio clips are obviously reused. The film unfortunately slows down in the middle and drops virtually all of the high points described above so that we can get some more exposition.
If you feel like watching some extremely inept that also feels noir adjacent than this might work for you but it is definitely going to appeal only to fairly niche tastes.