There are some Troma films that are just plain bad- and not in a good way. But I still watch them, and kinda like them just because they are Troma films. It is like drinking coffee without cream and sugar. It is bitter; I didn't always like it that way; but I aquired a taste for it. But "Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV" is actually an amazingly entertaining and creative movie that non-Troma fans
could enjoy.
As usual, this film is not for the squeamish with all of its creative gore. The gore isn't realistic by any means. It is quite obvious that you are seeing a melon with a mask and wig being smashed, etc. And anyone could take offense to
something in the film if they actually believed Kaufman was serious- but he isn't. I have the unrated directors edition, so I don't know what the difference is from the R version, but I wouldn't invite my fellow members from church over to watch it.
This film doesn't drag on. The story is even kind of clever- not just Toxie going around and saving the day. Lots of good gags, creative gore scenes, and the
usual nudity sprinkled throughout. The porn Godfather Ron Jeremy plays
Troma's mayor as well. Unfortunately it is rare to find any Troma DVDs new or old in Blockbuster or Hollywood Video stores. So your best bet is to either find a privately owned business that carries lots of independent titles or cough up a few extra bucks to buy it. The DVD is a 2 disc collector's edition and is the director's cut- unrated. There is lots of goodies on the DVD including a 95
minute documentary called "Apocalypse Soon: The Making of Citizen Toxie".