The story of poor Salvatore (Jacques Zanetti), documented as it is, is told according to an almost exclusively emotional logic. We will not fail to describe "Party without leaving an address" rigorous. And, of course, everything is composed, thoughtful. But here "rigor" is not an end in itself: it is the law of the film and not its ideal. Hence this incredible paradox: the more the film system asserts itself, the lighter the film becomes; the more precise he is, the less insistent he is.
Liberation (F) - Guy-Patrick Sainderichin
A kind of great generosity for his characters, without tremolos in his voice. A tenuous realism perhaps - but corrected by a surprising metaphorical dimension linked to a short story by Jack London and the Passion of Christ. Finally the refusal of easy effects and denunciations to the cookie cutter.
The Nouvel Observateur (F) - Frédéric Vitoux