If I were to describe Theodore Tugboat in one word, it would be cute. It's essentially Thomas the Tank Engine (which I have also always loved) on water with the same type of appeal. Through the Harbour Master's (Denny Doherty) storytelling, Theodore and his companions have fun adventures and learn lessons. One thing that I really like is that the problems the Harbour Master faces before he begins to narrate the episode are the same problems faced by Theodore and friends and both problems are later resolved. For example, in one episode the Harbour Master is a little nervous about sleeping in his office and Hank is afraid to sleep without any lights on. A bit of trivia: the show had its beginnings when a certain Andrew Cochrane was trying to figure out how to explain the goings-on at Halifax Harbour to his son and came to the realization that children tend to anthropomorphize practically everything in sight. Overall, I admit that while I'm 20 now, I am still quite fond of Theodore Tugboat. The shots are truly outstanding, the episodes themselves are well written, all the characters engaging, although George comes across as a little vain I can name several worse examples (I'm looking at you, Bella Swan), the setting look realistic and well-designed, and the score is really catchy. Another thing I have to admire is how the narrator does "the voices", such as a commanding tone for Foduck and the Dispatcher, a cheeky-sounding voice for Hank, and a big booming voice for Owen.