The version of the film I saw only ran for ten minutes and didn't have any intertitles, but then it didn't need to because the story is so simple to follow. I don't really think I missed out on much, losing those six minutes, because the film is essentially the same incident - burly Russian peasant Ivan, newly arrived on America's shores, beating his poor wife - who we first meet hitched up to Ivan's cart next to the donkey - only to find himself set straight by outraged US citizens repeated three times. Ivan finally learns his lesson after six months hard labour and emerges from prison a transformed man, loving and appreciative of his wife.
This isn't a very funny film and, if it weren't for the fact that the accompanying soundtrack was of a humorous (but anachronistic) country and western style, the film could just as easily be viewed as a melodrama. It somehow seems all the more surprising, given its crude stereotyping, that the film was made by Solax, the company owned by French immigrant Alice Guy and her British husband Blache.