Sunday Night Heat is a very strange programme to write about partly because in 1998 and 1999 it was watchable and it included the likes of The Rock, Mankind, Kane, Stone Cold Steve Austin and others on it. Fast forward to 2007 and the same old boring wrestlers appear on it and throw in a couple of jobbers as well, the likes of Val Venis, Eugene and The Highlanders appear on it every flippin Sunday (yawn).
I remember watching Heat in 2000 and 2001 when it appeared on Channel 4 and it was way much better than it is now even though all you got was mostly Perry Saturn on it against Funaki in nearly every main event, but it was exciting to see who would appear on it.
The matches that I thought were good and the wrestlers that I was shocked to see on it included:
Kane vs Road Dogg Jesse James - 2000. Triple H vs Perry Saturn - 2000 The Undertaker and Kane vs Kaientai - 2001 Kurt Angle vs Essa Rios - 2000 The Undertaker vs Christian - 2001 Kane vs Christian - 2002 Triple H vs Hardcore Holly - 2000 Rob Van Dam vs Christian - 2002.
Heat is just simply not the same anymore!