I don't want to tell much about the movie I write about the main character Ricardo (Edurardo Rozsa Flores).
He played Chico alias Ricardo. This movie is about him and his real life. Eduardo played himself. But in the movie his name is Ricardo. Director Fekete and Edurardo said that the movie based on pure fictions. Thats not true. This is Eduardo's life more like a biography than anything else.
Unique: Because the main role played but not an actor but the real person who's story has been made up for a film. Its like if you would see Che Guevara is playing himself instead of Benicio Del Toro in the Sodenbergh's Che movie.
Eduardo Rozsa Flores was a journalist first. Secondly he was a soldier. Thirdly he was a revolutionary when he joined to the Croats in 1991. And for last he is an actor. A one time one.
Eduardo Rozsa Flores and the Chico movie is a unique strong confusing road-movie type documentary with biographical elements. History. The movie is the history and shows us as it happened not forcing you to decide who was right or wrong as others wrote me before. It is a worth to see and I would say if you ever lived in a communist country or you are interested in the history of the communist countries then it is a must see movie. However it will be not easy to understand what is going on without a basic knowledge in the theme.
Note: Eduardo Rozsa Flores (Ricardo aka Chico in the movie) was brutally killed in a military police raid in Santa Cruz, Bolivia in 2009. 8 years later as he finished this movie. Died like he lived by the bullet. A real revolutionary hero of our post modern times. Maybe the last one...