Get a bunch of preachers, all with different theolgy, stick them all on a TV series where they interview other preachers with different theology. Some pastors have interesting theories (espesially the ones that agree with me) and some- don't. For example, to get people to watch his (utterly horrible piece of trash) movie, "The Omega Code", Paul Crouch stated on the air that it was a box office hit. What kind of desperate Christian is that? Also, T. D. Jakes, while supposedly Pentecostal, believes Jesus was not the Messiah. I, being Pentecostal, smell a fake. Finally, Hal Lindsey has had silly theories on the end times for decades now, always too suspisious, with several accusations of the AntiChrist. Jack van Impe (and NOT his irritating wife, Rexella) and John Hagee are the best of the bunch. Watch it for the chemistry between the witnesses, but if you want some serious stuff, watch each minister's own TBN series.