I expected nothing from this, except that being a fairly modern film that it would at least spare me 80s denim and bad haircuts xD I don't think I even got that.
If it had just been total rubbish with no glimmer of potential, that would be OK, predictable and OK.
What really gets me is that this film could have been something, it really wouldn't have taken much at all! Ordinary camera shots, kids behaving evil rather than like mannequins, a heroine character with the ability to realise she's in a horror film not some 'real life drama' and a few other things, this could have been a good straight to video/TV film, it really could have been :( Another thing which bugged me is that the film had something over many of its rivals: the picture quality really wasn't bad. Oftentimes it's this alone which betrays a shoe-string budget movie from a supposedly 'better' picture with more money. SO close to a good film, it's so annoying..
COTC films already have the basis for a good creepy feeling, those pesky kids! It was evident here too, there was some good atmosphere when the kiddies were on the prowl, but it was messed up with some very poor direction.
Stupid 'ghost' sounds (kids laughing in this case), silly ineffective camera cheap-shots and minutes wasted watching the heroine wander around when it's obvious she will find nothing. These annoy viewers every flipping time, yet once again they're here to annoy COTC: Revelation viewers too. These pathetic acts of film-making sloth knock the film down a few pegs on their own!
The kids act like robots in bad threads most of the time, these are self-assured, murderous and downright evil kids from hell without a scrap of empathy. So.. why are they gimping around like second-rate zombies in goofy clothing? For God's sake. *Scowls*
The main apartment building doesn't seem inhabited at all, a total ghost town, yet within a few shots it turns out that there's a bunch of people living there. The audience shouldn't have to be faced with such cack-handed bloopers like this. Sloppy, it jarred and brought me straight out of the film. If the crew can't be bothered to put a film together properly, how can they expect anyone to bother to watch it?
I was glad when it was over, there's nothing worse than glimpsing what could have been.
In short: don't rent, don't buy, don't bother.