Okay, so I was a big fan of Sook-Yin Lee when she was a veejay on Canada's MuchMusic station (our nation's equivalent of MTV)... so I had to check out this movie... a romance between her and hot young Aboriginal/Canadian actor Adam Beach... it HAD to have SOME good qualities, right??? Well, sorry to say it but... the movie blows. I really *want* to support Canadian movies, ya know... but why do 99% of them have to suck so baaaaaaaaaaad? They don't even feel like real movies... they feel like some kind of fake simulation of what a movie really is. They try to copy the stale "formula" of popular genres but they are totally bled dry of any kind of atmosphere, originality or any sort of qualities that make movies WATCHABLE. Sook-Yin is a struggling art gallery dealer who wants to be successful... Adam is a struggling artist who wants to be successful... they begin a romance (though they have absolutely nothing in common and no chemistry between them whatsoever)... they encounter obstacles... they clash... gad, this movie is awful. Even the usually brilliant Don McKellar has an awful bit part (he probably owed the producer a favor) as a Sook-Yin suitor who won't take no for an answer. One more nail in the coffin of Canadian Cinema.