My vote doesn't reflect how I feel about Weather Center, it's how I feel about the Weather Channel not showing Weather Center enough. Why show something important like the national weather when you can show Prospectors, Highway Thru Hell, Why Planes Crash and particularly Fat Guys In The Woods? This IS the Weather Channel, right? Not unlike when the Travel Channel started showing Texas Hold 'em tournaments wall to wall. Where do these cable network execs come from? There are 1,000 cable channels out there now, any of which could show Coast Guard Alaska, don't you think you could show something on topic with your channel? Why can't I get Time Warner Weather, a real weather channel? Beyond that, the weather that is shown is now show biz, full of made up storm names and smarmy, obnoxious local reports. Ah, for the old days of Kristina Abernathy and national weather coverage, can't say I ever watch now. P.S. Immediately after I posted this I learned Verizon had dumped TWC for something called AccuWeather. I checked it out, they give real weather reports around the clock. Who would have thought? Yay!!!