The reviewer who has written the glowing report on this film is wildly exaggerating, and I can only assume that he/she is associated with the film in some sense.
The reason that the film was re-released in the UK in 2005 "Island of the Damned" is because the film was initially a flop, so the distributors tried to re-market the film as a horror movie. This is no horror movie, it's barely even a thriller.
It's slow to get going, and to be honest - it's slow all the way through. The director could have cut at least 20 minutes of the version that I saw (120mins). There are a couple of very good twists, and there is some good acting, particularly from the female lead. The camera work is sloppy in some parts, but elsewhere it's rather average. There are also a few plot inconsistencies and quite a lot of continuity errors.
However, the film does have an other-worldly feel to it in parts, which is more characteristic of European art-house cinema, which I applaud. I will not say anymore on the film, except to recommend it as something to watch when there really isn't much else on TV or in the video shop. Not a bad effort - but there are so many better films out there...