La Caja 507 is a slow-burning crime-drama whose story leans its back against the NO-HERO structure. A predecessor to Paul Haggis's CRASH(2004). There are absolutely no central characters nor heroes to follow. Of course, this is not unique to Spanish cinema at all. But, in general there is no attachment to Spain in La Caja 507. Sympathy grows only when innocents get hurt, which is when general Spanish family audience would catch the drift. When Dafne dies at the forest fire in the beginning, director and screenwriter Enrique Urbizu lets his audience know what Dafne's father investigates throughout the entire movie:
Dafne gets killed for her father's bank robbery to become whitewashed by fingerprints.
Strong hook and spontaneous acting builds an unbearably awe-inspiring tension. I keep asking to myself, what kind of a "modern" parenthood that is to endanger their children's future due to corrupted business relations with gangs or mafia.
No heroes equal to no celebrities. Urbizu wants us to be part of the unstoppable descending of the criminal tension from business layer down to emotional layer. A clear decision awaits Dafne's father to be made, which turns the rest of the story downhill in suspense. If you have enough patience and detail-oriented thinking view, the boring sub-plots may give you more clear understanding of the resolution. This resolution phase encompasses Dafne's father "letting everything go".
La Caja 507 is a memorabilia collective film. DVD and blu-ray both in English and Spanish had directorial interviews. I have always had it, in my brick-and-mortar cinema archives and library of selection movies. Classifiable under western european Family movies genre.