A sign of a good movie? When you just don't want it to be over, you do not want to leave the characters.
This is such a movie, flawless performances by all, without exception. It draws you slowly into the secrets at its depth, without mawkishness or a hammering of two by fours. The relationship between the sisters feels real. No black and white, a lot of grey but underneath it all a terrible understanding, unspoken and fearful.
All unfolds as it should. I was pleased to see the writer was Daniel MacIvor who also wrote another subtle, gentle movie called "The Five Senses." You are uncertain where it is taking you for a while and then the devastating truth you begin to guess at unfolds.
The story is revealed more in looks and glances than in specific dialogue. More than anything it is a story about coming home and making peace with the devils you have tried to leave there but are haunting you everywhere anyway.
8 out of 10. It is a shame these movies do not get wider circulation. Bravo to all.