An afternoon show usually on BBC 2 or UK Style for those with cable or satellite. It is usually presented by Paul Martin and occasionally Kate Alcock who is also a resident expert. The public are invited to take their items to a bit of an open day and two experts chose a small number of interesting items to go to auction. Unlike bargain Hunt another antiques programme, they just have to sell the item and not make a profit. The experts do get it wrong. In a programme I saw this week, an item valued at £400 to £600 went for well over £3,000. The experts are there to be shot at, unlike those in Antiques Roadshow who can say anything without having to prove it. I agree with the other poster. Because of programmes like this, you can no longer pick up bargains at the local charity shops. Paul Martin is a nice man and lovely presenter. I just wish he could stop asking the property owners what they are going to do with the money every time because I just don't need to know !!