This mockumentary chronicles the rise, fall, and subsequent rise again of Frank Sledge (David Leitch) Poking fun at action clichés and films such as the ones in the films of Steven Seagal & '80's era Sylvester Stallone, (with a musical-styled Matrix riff near the end) this film is a longer, feature-length version of "Sledge" (a 30 minute short which is also available on the DVD of this film) In ways the short film is a bit better than the movie, as the short is more streamlined where as this seems padded a bit. There are some smiles to be had (mind you I said smiles and not belly laughs for a reason), but it just feels too long and the plot just can't support the length of the film, as such I can't really recommend this film, but I didn't really loathe it either. After a while I found myself playing 'spot the celebrity cameo' more then paying real attention to the plot though.
My Grade: C-
DVD Extras: Commentary by Director Brad Martin & writer/actor David Leitch; Short film: 'Sledge'; a Making-of Sledge; production slide show; theatrical trailer for this film; and Trailers for "Suspense" & "the Orange Thief"