Another movie from the Tomb of Terrors set that I picked at random to watch/review. I'd actually seen this one years ago and while watching it doesn't seem familiar at all. It's a pretty bland slasher with a supernatural slant added to it to make things confusing in addition to cheap and boring. The 73 minute runtime is about right for something like this. The music is poor and often overbearing including an attempt at adding a music video partway into the movie. The kills aren't half bad including a woman hanging from a tree with all 4 limbs being cut off the aftermath looking incredibly fake. Another person is slaughtered with a chainsaw with blood spraying everywhere.
Bikini Party Massacre (the credits bill it as Joseph Clark's Massacre) has
ample scenes of people taking a leak in the woods though that one chick could have been dumping. Initially this scares off the guy she's interested but he quickly changes his mind and they hump against a tree. I hope she wiped first. For some reason the two pale chicks don't show their boobs when they are skinny-dipping but have no problem when they are duking it up in a tent. One of the guys interrupts them about to bash them thinking someone is getting killed and they of course invite him to join. Remember guys to always interrupt lesbians during sex as most of them are just secretly craving for a schlong to share. A confusing, cheap kids in the wood slasher that would have been better if it had just played it straight and focused on the gore and boobs.