I actually like Rachel Ray. She does go a bit far on her cooking shows when she tries to be too cute, but she has great ideas. Unfortunately, I don't think this is one of them. This show was filmed in 2002, but even then folks were struggling to make ends meet. Ray would do better showing people how to make entire meals for a family of four on $20 a day. Oh yeah....that's been done.
Anyways, back to this show. I don't care for the BIG EATERS type shows and I simply loathe shows where we WATCH people eat!! Ray is not an entertainer, so we are stuck with silly comments and giggling, while simply watching her eat (oh, I already said that). She also likes to drink. She's a good boozer.
She likes the food and drinks.....but cheats the wait staff. Rachel shouldn't rely on her cutesy ways alone to get past a decent tip! (My nephew is a former chef...he's actually seen what they do to the food for cheapo's!!)