I didn't get into Cold Case until half way through the first season but I LOVE it! It has quickly become my first choice when I turn on the TiVo - surpassing all the Law & Orders and Without a Trace..... I found the use of music to bring you back to whatever era the crime was committed to be terribly effective and the last few minutes of each episode are haunting.
My favorite "effect" ( not sure what to call it ) is when they are talking to a family member or suspect currently but briefly flash to what they looked like at the time of the crime - it helps to keep track of all the characters. Lily Rush's acting is, at times, stiff but improves as the series progresses - almost as if she is getting more comfortable with herself......
The episode "Fly Away" was the best. The first scene is a mother and 7 year old daughter crashing thru a high window and landing on the sidewalk - it was so scary and haunting that I couldn't watch it a second time around and I kept thinking about it for days later. ( I do that often with this show - how many times does that happen watching TV these days? )
In short, I think this series is excellent and will continue to watch avidly :)