This film begins in the 19th century with a man named "Dr. John Malthus" (Fernando Casanova) stalking and then kidnapping a young woman coming home from church one night. After placing her unconscious body in his laboratory, he immediately begins to drain her blood with a hollow tube and siphoning it off into his own body. How much blood he intended to drain from her is unknown because, just moments into the procedure he is interrupted by the police and dragged off to jail while she remains tied up and unable to free herself. She eventually dies of hunger in the laboratory while Dr. Malthus is tried and executed for the previous murders of several other people. The scene then shifts to a number of years later with a relative of Dr. Malthus named "Dr. Martin Malthaus" (also played by Fernando Casanova) inheriting the house and discovering the secret laboratory previously used by his infamous ancestor. Not only that, but inside the laboratory he also discovers a secret journal that Dr. John Malthus used to write a formula for immortality. Fascinated by this discovery, Martin decides to dig up the body of his ancestor and, with modern laboratory devices, attempts to recreate the secret formula in an attempt to bring to bring him back to life--and it's then that the horror begins all over again. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, when I first began watching this movie, I thought that I had seen it before as everything was much too familiar. Sure enough, I soon realized that the initial part of the movie was borrowed from the 1961 film "La Marca del Muerto" but with music and narration in the place of the original dialogue. Likewise, key segments of the original film were also inserted at various other times to essentially create an entirely different picture. The problem with this cheap and disingenuous technique was that it lent a rather patchwork quality to the picture and rendered it somewhat incomprehensible at times. For example, in one particular scene Dr. John Malthaus is conducting an experiment on a woman but it never showed how that woman came to be found in this predicament. Admittedly, there exists the possibility that the film I was watching had been edited and was a bit incomplete in that regard. Even so, I'm not sure it would have made much difference as I didn't enjoy this film that much and for that reason, I have rated it accordingly.