I thought I'd take a chance on this movie, since it sounded like a ripoff of Re-Animator, and, hey, if it's ripping off movies I like, then maybe I'll like this, too. Unfortunately, that was *not* the case, and I must severely caution others who might be drawn in, like I was. I could only stand to watch about five minutes of this movie, so I can only critique those first few minutes (and, wow, were they BAD).
First off, the director lingers way too long on useless shots. The first scene is that of a framing shot, Quint High School. OK, fine. Then the camera zooms in to the name of the high school, which you could already see before: Quint High School. Uh, yeah. I got that already. And the shot just lingers and lingers and... ah, finally, we move on to the next scene, except now it's another zoom of "SCIENCE LAB" which lingers almost as long. Holy crap! Is the director afraid that he doesn't make each of these shots last a full minute that we won't be able to read his stupid signs? Maybe we're supposed to be drunk, high, and stupid... because I think the entire cast and crew probably were. The acting was so horrible, the incidental music so insipid, and the directing so incompetent, I couldn't even last much longer than those first few scenes.
Some people will claim that this movie was meant to be bad or that it was done "tongue in cheek". No. There's no excuse for ineptitude of this magnitude. Either you can act or you can't. Either you can direct or you can't. Hiding behind an excuse of "You just don't get it! I was *trying* to do a bad job, for the laughs!" is total crap. Re-Animator was a legitimately good movie, because the people making it had talent. They knew how to frame shots, had comic timing, and knew how to walk the fine line between comic overacting and simply acting poorly. The people who made this movie? They had no clue.
I hope that everyone involved in this movie is blacklisted and never works in film again.