'Kamikaze Girls' is adapted from a comic book; it contains some short animated scenes, but in fact the entire movie is made in a comic-book style, even when it employs real actors, with exaggerated physics and characterisation. It's unlikely story pairs a girl who dresses in rococo outfits with a tough biker chick (the supporting cast includes a man with a four-foot quiff); for those who aren't Japanese, it may come as a shock to learn, however, that the boutique rococo retailer that features in the film is actually a piece of product placement - it really exists, and there's some popularity to this bizarre style of dress. The film zips along, and there are some nice humorous touches, although it never feels deeper than a comic. But the tone is right for the material - and it's infinitely preferable to countless Hollywood comic adaptations that futilely try to tell us there's something profound in the their stories.