While it may not achieve cult status as the worst movie ever made, it certainly ranks as one of the worst I've ever seen. The only thing that made watching this mess tolerable was that it was so bad it was funny. We've got a drug dealer released from prison on his way back to L.A., a roided-up, braided-cornrowed, wearing-a-girls-t-shirt-two sizes too small for him detective teamed up with an innocent, by the book rookie female detective, a priest in a wheelchair, the Double D drug dealers, and various other ethnic drug culture criminals. Oh, and let's not forget one of the characters trying to cash a check for $800,000 in a check cashing store run by drug dealers. It's just such a complete mess, with acting as bad as you'll ever want to see. But like I said, the acting and script are so awful that it is at times funny. The sequence where the crippled priest falls out of his wheelchair and crawls across the ground towards the bad guy, eventually shooting and killing him, and the bad guys death scene was unintentionally hilarious. What two legitimate, competent actors like Robert Vaughn and Reni Santoni are doing in this piece of garbage is an absolute mystery. Easily one of the worst movies ever made.