I have to agree with Sharbaug-1....this is such crap! Alleged "princess" Ann Claire is so completely unlikable that it's not even funny. She whines about every single little thing and truly believes that she is, A)a talented singer (she's NOT), and B)never fails to remind the lowly world round her that she is indeed A PRINCESS (read: better than you and I ever shall be). What irks me further is her complete lack of respect for her assistant. She whines, snipes, gripes, and has mini-tantrums when she can't get her way. This type of attitude is not charming on a 5 year old, and even more hideous on a mature woman of some breeding. If I wanted to listen to someone bitch and complain how unfair life is (whilst living in splendour), I'd watch fictional crap like The O.C. (where at least the people in that show have talent). Skip this BIG TIME.