The movie is about two South African chaps, living in the suburban limbo that many young South Africans find them in a post-Apartheid era where Affirmative Action has cut their options down. The actors are mostly accomplished at their art, the cinematography is quite good, but the script and editing lets the whole thing down. Although supposed to be a comedy, the chuckles can be counted on one hand. Wry smiles are the best that I could generate. Extensive use of slow motion slows the movie down to a crawl at times, and it somehow never gets going. This may be deliberate, reflecting the lives of our protagonists who also never seem to get going, but it does not compel the viewer used to fast paced Hollywood action.
Low budget? Definitely. But low budget is a challenge to film makers, and should not be a death knell.
On the bright side, their are no cheap politically correct themes, and no pie-in-the-face scenes a la Schuster to get cheap ratings.
A huge pity that the actor who plays Brett was recently killed in a senseless killing. This will probably give the movie undeserved cult status. Judged on it's own merits, it does not deserve cult status.