This is a very good little film that starts off enigmatically (I thought I was watching something by Rohmer from his Green Ray period) and gets better and better as it goes along. Daniel Auteuil and Sabine Azéma play very well together (their first pairing; I hope there will be more) and Sergi Lopez and Amira Casar are also good as the couple who make swinging look so easy. William and Madeleine are mid-50s, their daughter is getting married in a couple of months so they are facing an empty nest with a little trepidation. Adam and Eva enter their lives and quickly establish an emotional dependency on the other couple's part. It is this dependency and not the sex that becomes decisive for William and Madeleine.
This is the first feature by the Larrieu brothers that I have seen; it is very promising. They know how to create an emotional atmosphere without camera tricks or an annoying sound track. I advise men with heart problems to skip the scene with Hélène de Saint-Père: when she takes her dress off she reveals a truly astounding body.