This starts out like a Blair Witch type of thing - with a couple "Big City" college students going to Hicksville USA to make a Documentary about an Indian Curse and it quickly degenerates into a mesh of stereotypical bargain basement horror antics, bad acting and idiotic clichés. I won't waste any time on the movies plot - what little there is - is the very definition of cliché and the acting is atrocious as for the technical side it's neither good nor bad (if anything it's thoroughly uninspired and unimaginative) but never really sets the mood and as such it's a very "flat" movie. This is a total waste of time and as a horror movie it it's not even a little scary - in fact the only scary thing about this mess is the ending - seeing that it suggest a possibility of a SEQUEL - now that is a truly horrifying prospect that might just cost a few nights sleep.