Spicks and Specks is both a comedy program and a musical quiz show, and the best part is it's Australian. Comedian Adam Hills hosts the show while comedian/actor Alan Borough and radio presenter Myf Warhurst are weekly team captains. These three alone provide plenty of hilarious moments and interesting musical facts to keep you watching. And if that isn't enough talented comedians guest star alongside gifted musicians, what other show gives you this often explosively hilarious combination? With four talented guests appearing every week this show is never lacking in entertainment.
At times Spicks And Specks can be entertaining, other times it can be quite informative, it can get you thinking and it will always make you laugh. Spicks and Specks combines the worlds of music and comedy perfectly. Both team captains are a wealth of musical knowledge and factoids, while the guests are always knowledgeable, entertaining and hilarious.
The combination of comedy, musical facts and entertaining rounds such as 'Substitute' and 'Look What They've Done To My Song Ma' make Spicks and Specks without a doubt the best quiz show on Australian television.