The TV synopsis sounded quite interesting and having noted that Kirsty Swanson was in it I was more than willing to give the movie a try. I recorded this with the intent on watching it when I was relaxed and in the mood for something interesting but I have to say that I was really dismayed at what I was watching.
To be fair to the movie I do have to say that the plot was interesting and in effect it was the only thing that kept me watching till the end. But that's about all I can say in the movie's favour. A poor screenplay and lousy dialogue lines did little to disguise the awful direction. What's worse is that the actors allowed themselves to contribute to the overall effort with some truly lousy acting. Whatever views I had about Kirsty's acting abilities went out of the window with this movie. For most of the movie she sounded as though she been in a screaming match and then had a strangling match with someone- she sounded that hoarse. Her attempts at emoting left a lot to be desired about. I think that it's time she decided to give up acting and try something else.
The rest of the cast were just as bad, if not worse. In truth this movie was just a cut above the standard soap opera fare- a lot of bad hamming to no effect.
As I mentioned above the plot is the only thing that is good for the movie but having said that you can quickly figure out what's going on close to half way through the movie. I haven't clicked on the spoiler column as there aren't any major spoilers and even those plot points could be used to emphasize the overall poorness of the movie. I only gave this one star out of ten because I couldn't assign half stars and that is all this movie is really worth- half a star.
I would not recommend this movie to anyone but truly die hard fans of Kirtsy Swanson. To the rest of the viewing public- watching paint dry is a lot more fun...and easier on the eyes.