In the realms of filmcraft, delivering an absolutely compelling story wrapped around a collection characters and circumstances which will leave an indelible mark on your current and future perceptions of life and its complexities, it just doesn't get any better than this.
Many other reviewers here have delved into various detail minutia about a specific character, or style of editing, subplots of the story, and so on.
I'm not going to replicate those various observations and interpretations again here, plenty of others have already done this effectively enough.
What I will offer here, however, is that this is very definitely a "thinking person's film". Yes, there is some sexual content, and other bits which might potentially suit an "R" rating, but none of this gratuitous or simply tacked on the film for effect.
The character studies, the superb exposure of hidden inner aspects of the human condition extruded through the mandril of strange but all too plausible relationship complexities, delivered by a cast that delivered their characters about as perfectly as possible . . . all of this combined together makes watching this film an experience.
This is not for the faint of heart, or anyone who lives in the imaginary bubble of everything eventually is OK by the end of the film, and so on.
Rather, this is a no holds barred journey through what life consists of, likely much more often than many would be willing to admit to or acknowledge.
As I said, this is not a film to merely to be "watched", but rather to be experienced.
As for my evaluation of such, this absolutely a 10+.