I've always liked the Call of duty games. But I totally raised my expectations after Call of duty 2. It was realistic in every matter. But the usual way it worked was one game on Pc, one on console. and the one on PC rocked and console was bad to Okay. Then COD 2 came out for Xbox 360 and it became one crappy game for current and one awesome for next gen. But then--then they had to go and release COD 3 for all consoles. The same stupid game. This game is a lot worse than COD 2. Guns aren't realistic and AI is scripted. This game is like a cheap downsize for the COd series. It is still a moderately fun thrill ride with decent current gen graphics and great next gen graphics but my expectations are too high for this cheap add on to the COD series. I believe this was nothing more than a rushed pay off to make some cash. It's fun but not good enough for me. Good: Fun thrill ride story, Great graphic (XB360 & PS3) Bad: Cheap rush, infinity ward didn't make it, activision did.... Same: All the Ps2, Xbox and now current gen call of duties. Stick to The Pc games and the Call of duty 2 for XB360. 5/10 for low upgrade. This is supposed to be a sequel. The only new thing is the interactiveness ingame fighting and etc. Enjoy! I didn't....