The style of film making for this short film is very good. Technically speaking, it's a lovely film--with nice edits, shots, music, etc.. However, the stories of the three struggling actors didn't particularly engage me throughout the whole film--though parts of it did.
One story is about a Puerto Rican. Oddly, he talks about "us" and "Americans", though a Puerto Rican is as American as someone from Boston or Oregon--though I understand the culture is quite different in many ways. Well, in "America", this young man struggles to hide his accent as it will provide him more opportunities as an actor. I gotta admit that this was one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen and if he can act at all, he looks like he'll make it--and if not in acting, then in modeling.
Another story is about a Black man. While he isn't as smooth as the other guy, there's something about his personality that makes you want to like him. This becomes evident later when you see him with a pretty young Asian lady.
The final story is about a young lady who didn't engage me quite as much. While she may one day make it big, her story about her lost dog didn't really add up to much--unless you see this as a metaphor for her own life. This story really seemed to need to be explored in greater depth--such as how her facial piercings and body tattoo have impacted her getting work or what life is like living in this neighborhood (as she alluded to not feeling particularly comfortable anywhere).
I would love to see the film makers try MORE similar films but maybe think more about either stretching the film out more and finding more interesting vignettes or perhaps try some other actors. In a somewhat similar style, the film CONFESSIONS OF A SUPERHERO manages to be more compelling because the actors' stories were more interesting. Nice try and I hope to see more from these film makers.