When you're watching the Zone Horror Channel you're not expecting much in the way of masterpieces . The channel shows an incredible amount of rubbish and much of it is barely watchable rubbish . Add this movie to being amongst the worst of the worst Zone horror has to offer
CARNIVOROUS starts off with a bunch of people waking up in a cavern . At this very early point I was expecting to be watching SAW crossed with THE DESCENT and in some ways it is somewhat similar to the Neil Marshall movie in that people have to run for their lives in a cave like prison being stalked all the time by murderous monsters . This is bad enough but then the movie takes on a life of its own featuring ridiculous supernatural , metaphysical nonsense
Regardless of how good or bad its narrative strengths or weaknesses might have been the production values are outstandingly poor . Most of the set is composed of a green screen , the CGI monsters are astoundingly poor but worst of all is the cinematography - everything is so dimly lit that it's almost impossible to see what's happening on screen but when you're watching a movie this bad it's a relief of sorts