Filmmaker Kim Ki-duk, is widely known for his films that offer loads of violence. He has been Controversies favorite child. But, in his 2007 flick 'Soom' aka 'Breath', he tries his hand in an awkward, yet charming love-story, that hardly offers any bloodshed.
'Soom' is about love, redemption, sadness & lies. The lead characters share an outstanding novelty, when-ever they meet eye to eye. It's a tale of a notorious condemned criminal & a housewife. The emotions they discover, the love that is build, comes out brilliantly, at most parts.
The only shortcoming, is it's finale. It's weird, and leaves no impact. This 80-minute feature, offers 60-minutes of pure genius, but falters in it's final 20-minutes.
Kim Ki-duk delivers as a filmmaker. He has directed the film with complete understanding. The Cinematography is striking. The performances by all of the actors, are memorable.
On the whole, A film that is Worth-Watching, without a shed of doubt. It's so different, and so amusing at times, you can't help but like this attempt.