When Pushing Daisies was on, it always made my day. I just loved how funny, quirky and clever it was. So I was saddened when it ended as abruptly as it did, it may have had a rocky start however it did get much better very quickly and had even more time to progress if given the chance.
I loved Pushing Daisies for several reasons. With skillful photography and striking clothes, lighting and sets, the visuals were constantly very colourful. The music had a lot of charm and quirkiness about it too, the writing was witty and engaging and the stories were clever with an original and imaginative concept. The characters were always fanciful and likable, Jim Dale's narration was sardonic and beautifully delivered, Kristen Chenoweth brightened up every scene she appeared in as did a fair number of those who guested on the show and Lee Pace and Anna Friel were very endearing in their own way.
In conclusion, a gem that ended too soon. 9/10 Bethany Cox