"Ultimate Predator" follows the exploits of two men known for both their love for nature, and the extreme lengths they go to to document and interact with it. The star of the documentary is Mannie Puig. I can't help but think of "Crocodile Hunter," Steve Irwin when watching this man in action. He shares a similar fearless nature with the late Steve Erwin when it comes to interacting with dangerous predators. As the film suggests, he needs someone who is his equal to help document his adventures, and he finds that man in Mark Rackley. Throughout the documentary you will witness Mannie and Mark make contact with alligators, sharks, bears, and other apex predators. Several exciting sequences were filmed where the two have brushes with death. While I can understand why some might feel as if people such as Manny are purely out for an adrenalin rush, I feel otherwise. I believe that he has a pure love and appreciation for apex predators. When one becomes so deeply interested in dangerous animals, their curiosity doesn't allow them to learn about these animals from a distance, and thus it becomes necessary for them to resort to physically interacting with them. Although it provides us with entertainment in the form of this documentary, it also applies scientists and other researchers with valuable data about these creatures, which helps them to better understand various aspects of the nature of the species, and also helps conservation efforts.