The very fact this appears under 'Children' on most online entertainment platforms probably says it all... it's rated PG for a reason...
If you watch this and think it a serious documentary/off the cuff survival then I'm sorry but you may need to take yourself off to see if you can survive for 24hrs in the snow covered Swiss Mountains.
The whole thing is staged, in order to teach CHILDREN a little bit about survival whilst keeping it interesting. It's not a live show where Grylls will do what you tell him - it's pre-recorded with different outcomes ergo it has to be staged.
I'm literally flabbergasted by some of the negative reviews stating 'oh it's fake, the camera was just in the right spot when he dropped his machete' etc etc.
My four year old loves this, and whilst there are the odd things you probably wouldn't do in real life or Grylls isn't dressed quite right for the weather what does it really matter?
Genuinely people need to chill out a little.