Get Smart's Bruce and Lloyd happens. Now I have no problem with WB making a movie with these guys I mean they were great, heck I don't even mind having a 72 minute long spin off for them (which is actually like 68 minutes when you take out the credits). But don't rush the movie for just for the money give the fans something to enjoy. To me this movie felt rushed and cheap (I know its DTV but come on everything was just way to cheap) the jokes were flat, a few of them worked. Anyways Bruce and Lloyd make this cloak that turns you invisible it gets stolen everyone is after it from the CIA to the Maraquayans (however you spell it) and they have X amount of time to get it back before their careers are ruined. The movie is really predictable. Anne Hathaway has a cameo which doesn't really matter cause she wasn't funny. Steve and the Rock don't show up either. Well anyways this movie as you can see is more on the bad side 4 out of ten.