Watched "Satanic Panic" on-line last night, and I have to say I became a bit "Panicked" when the film opened. It begins in a docu-style (A.K.A. "Blair Witch Project") with a rather flamboyant Satanist showing us photos of his poodles
Huh? I watched a few more minutes and just before hitting the "Stop" button, the movie changed to a more traditional Indy-style horror film. A brother and sister (twins I believe) are abducted by a satanic cult, but the girl manages to escape and tell her horrific story to the local police and press. Now we fast-forward ten or so years and a group of old friends are gathering for a weekend of camping and reconnecting. Although these characters tend to be a bit cliché, so does the whole (slasher in the woods) scenario, so I won't harp on the film for that. Truth is, there were a few fresh story line twists here, including a terminally ill women and a past (lesbian) affair that garnished a few extra bonus points for "Satanic Panic". At least there are a couple of characters that gave the viewer someone they could feel for. From this point on, the story moves at a much quicker pace and our cliché characters are dropping like flies, in some unique fashions and this is always a good time for horror fans. Decent gore and acting, the one thing that continually bugged me was some of the costuming choices. The Satanic robes were a bit silly and cheap looking. The Orville character, which's supposed to be some creepy backwoods-guy, wore overalls and a straw hat. I think having him look like one of the mountain men from "Deliverance" instead of a "Hee Haw" reject, would have done the film more justice, but maybe I'm missing the point here
Not likely to tread any new water or win an academy award, but fun for the most part. Besides having the crap scared outta me in the opening scenes, I found "Satanic Panic" an enjoyable low budget horror movie, and certainly worth a viewing.