I DVR'd this documentary for my son who is Star Wars crazy, but watched it to make sure the content was appropriate. Well! I could not stop watching it and then I made my husband sit down and watch it as well. I am a fan of the Star Wars movies and pretty informed. They were an integral part of my childhood. I must admit that I was less enamored of the first episodes than I was of IV-VI. HOWEVER, this documentary explained the genesis (I use that word deliberately)of those stories in such a way that I need to see them again to view them through this new filter.
Ken Burns is such an amazing film maker and this is no exception. I was FASCINATED by the historical, cultural and religious connections he drew between the Star Wars characters and stories. It reinforces why the series has such a profound effect on our culture even to this day. I remember standing in line for hours to see Episode IV in Westwood, CA. Now I am watching it again with my children and seeing it through their eyes as I first saw it, but also as an adult with a much more informed eye thanks to this documentary.
I would really like to purchase the documentary, but can't seem to find it. Is it available for purchase?