A very aggressive advertisement campaign were held in my city for this show, the ads, the posters were everywhere, and since I love the genre, I was pretty hyped.
The show did not particularly disappoint. I was suprised and a bit disheartened to see the negative reviews it had before starting to watch it.
I think it starts off very promising, but as the show develops, it fails to escape mediocrity. Surely, you can't expect the quality and the depth that comes with shows like game of thrones. There is a lot missing. Some questionable chocies were made, and some low effort events exist in the plot. But I'm a huge fan of Roman Empire content, I still loved it very much, despite I don't usually enjoy low quality TV. And that's probably among the best things that this show does, they were able to capture the essence of the era pretty well. They risked ruining this with horrible CGI in a few scenes though, it had to be better.