Just finished watching the last episode (50) and wanted to add my twopenn'orth. Danny Chan portrays Bruce Lee to perfection - it's difficult to believe that this is not Bruce! Other characters are represented well, too. Ed Parker and Chuck Norris are particularly noteworthy, likeness and mannerisms are accurately portrayed. There appear to be parts that stray a little from other reports and biographies, but generally, the series seems to be pretty factual. The only reason I have only given a rating of 9 is that, for me, the story annoyingly jumps some (small) aspects of Bruce's life and what I consider as important details leading up to his death! As soon as I find time, I WILL watch this again and I am certain that it will be even better. It has rekindled my childhood interest in Bruce and I am currently reading everything that I can find about his life and work. I should add that I watched this in Chinese and understood most, but my wife was interpreter/translator for those parts that used more complex Chinese language. I hope that the Chinese speech is subtitled, and what 'should' be in English is dubbed, for release on foreign markets, since much of the character of the series would be lost if it were entirely in English!